Tom DeLonge Talks with

Angels and Airwaves

Tom DeLonge talked with

Lifeforms is another textural expedition that opens clear water between itself and the idea of DeLonge as a three-chord thrasher. “In my earlier years with Blink it was, ‘How do I create tones that let these songs sound different from each other?’ But all I was using was a distortion pedal and every once in a while a flanger,” he says. “Now, in Angels & Airwaves, there are delay pedals and synthesizers and organic oscillations from fuckin’ modular synths. I craft songs by what’s needed, not what I’m limited to. That’s the biggest difference.”

Tom DeLonge: My Life in 10 Songs


Tom DeLonge talked with Kerrang about the 10 songs that have defined his career, such as, “Family Reunion:”

We’d had this giant record with Enema Of The State, and then we go to record its follow-up and the whole label is freaking out, because they’re scared about what we’re going to write. We had three songs for them to hear after six months to see where we’re at. It’s the head of the label and the head A&R guy, and we played them this song full of cuss words, a song that went, ​‘When you fucked Hitler did he tell you that he loved you?’, which later became “When You Fucked Grandpa,” and cover of the Macarena that went, ​‘Hey, wipe your anus.’ They literally thought that’s what we’d been doing for six months. It was ridiculous. But what I’m getting at is even when the stakes were really high and there’s a lot of pressure to follow up a really big record, doing those songs was the core of who we were – having fun, fucking with people and having a good time. And when that didn’t exist in blink was when it was really hard, because that’s the whole goal of that band.

Tom DeLonge Talks with Pop&Rock

Box Car Racer

Tom DeLonge talked with the Pop&Rock publication, and some of the conversation was translated by Blink-182 Italia:

Question: So, is there a chance you’ll get back together with blink-182?

Answer: Sure, we’re always talking about it. That’s our goal. But we’re all very busy right now. Mark is undergoing a difficult treatment. It is not easy for us to find a time window that would work for everyone. I think it will happen one day, at least I hope so, but it’s not that simple. I have Angels & Airwaves, I make movies and I’m also a father. It is not easy to do something when you have to constantly take care of your children.

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Padres & Airwaves: A Baseball Game With Tom DeLonge

Tom Delonge

Tom DeLonge talked with Spin about his upcoming Angels and Airwaves album:

While Lifeforms may not exactly channel the same band that would run nude and screaming into Dylan’s dressing room, DeLonge admits there are likely more elements of Blink-182 (and even Box Car Racer) in the new album than he’s put into his other recent work. The new album is a combination of what he’s done in the past and the music he loved growing up, including bands like Depeche Mode, the Cure, and the Who. Much like DeLonge’s day-to-day life, it covers a lot of seemingly unrelated areas, different people will focus on different things, and the veteran songwriter will somehow glide back and forth gracefully between them all thanks to his secret multitasking weapon: “ADHD,” he says, “fucking works.”

There’s even a Blink-182 story:

“It’s funny, because we’d play with all these big bands, but Blink was always just different,” DeLonge recalls, pausing with a smile to consider which ridiculous story he wants to tell this time. “One time, Hoppus ran completely naked into Jakob Dylan’s dressing room when we were playing with the Wallflowers. They’re all fancy, and he’s just completely naked with suds all over his body, dick out and everything. He goes in there and starts yelling ‘Who the fuck took my towel?! Where’s my fucking towel?!’ and then slams the door and leaves. He sounded so serious. It was some Academy Award-winning shit. Oh my god, I had a heart attack. It was the funniest fucking thing I’d ever seen. They didn’t like to joke at all. They didn’t think it was funny at all. But we were just always squeezing by, and that was kind of our way.”