Maybe Some New Paramore Soon?

According to multiple fans on Reddit, Hayley Williams tweeted, and then deleted, “Friday” earlier this morning. Maybe a new Paramore single this week? I sure hope so (even if I don’t really trust Reddit).

Update: After looking around I can’t find any solid evidence this was actually tweeted. I’m calling bullshit for now.

Paramore’s New Album Is Finished

Zach Farro of HalfNoise talked a little about the new Paramore album in a recent interview:

It’s all finished. We’re just figuring out the logistics of when to release it and everything. With HalfNoise it’s just me and a couple of managers, and we work pretty closely, but Paramore is a worldwide known band. There’s a lot of chefs in the kitchen, and figuring all that stuff out… the goal is definitely to release it this year, but I can’t really touch base and even if we had a set day we were telling people, things change so much. But the record is finished.

Chrissy Costanza Praises Hayley Williams

Against the Current

Chrissy Costanza of Against the Current posted an open letter to Paramore’s Hayley Williams on Twitter:

I had no idea how to be a frontwoman. How to command a room. I didn’t know how to allow myself to be empowered. I wasn’t cool, I wasn’t powerful, I wasn’t a leader. Hayley changed that. She showed me that it’s ok for girls to get mad. It’s ok for girls to be powerful, to lead, to command, to conquer.”

It’s ok to break down that door and stomp on the implicit “no girls allowed” sign. It’s ok to stand for something. It’s ok to stand for being yourself when everyone wants to tell you how you should be, how a girl should be. The years changed, the hair colours changed, the music changed, but the empowering spirit never changed. She inspired me 7 years ago the day I first listened to Riot! and she has inspired me every day since.