The Menzingers’ have released their new song “Bad Catholics.” They also confirm a February 3rd release date and pre-orders are now up.
Lydia – “Georgia” Video
The Shins – “Dead Alive” Video
The Shins have released a new video for “Dead Alive.”
Jimmy Eat World Perform on Kimmel
Jimmy Eat World Perform performed “Sure and Certain” last night on Jimmy Kimmel — you can find that below.
Review: John K. Samson – Winter Wheat
“Word is getting out that The Weakerthans are done.”
This tweet from The Weakerthans’ drummer, Jason Tait, last July didn’t surprise many fans – their last album had been in 2007 and they hadn’t played a show in two years – but it was confirmation, and it still stung to read. So when it was announced that Weakerthans vocalist/guitarist/lyricist John K. Samson would be releasing his second solo album this year featuring collaborations from Tait and Weakerthans bassist Greg Smith (among others), it almost felt like that hiatus was over. Many fans probably expected Winter Wheat to sound, somewhat, like a Weakerthans album. Given the members involved, it didn’t seem like a stretch, especially consider Samson’s last solo outing, 2012’s Provincial, was stylistically similar to his old band’s brand of indie rock. Those people were wrong.
Forum Members Compilation: Halloween Songs
Our music forum has put together a new compilation of Halloween songs.
The Japanese House – “Swim Against the Tide”
The Japanese House has unveiled “Swim Against the Tide,” the title track to her forthcoming EP available November 11th, on Spotify and Apple Music.
Review: Jimmy Eat World – Integrity Blues
“The open road is still miles away. Ain’t nothing serious. We still have our fun. Oh, we had it once.” These words, from the second verse of Jimmy Eat World’s perpetually underrated song, “The World You Love,” sum up so much of why I have fallen head-over-heels in love with this band over the past five years of my life. Jimmy Eat World’s music is best represented by the open road late night drives that “The World You Love” calls to mind. The freedom to explore the best of what the world has to offer.
My life is currently in a state of transition. One change, in particular, looms larger than the others. One of my closest friends, and one of the catalysts for thrusting me headfirst into Jimmy Eat World super fandom, is moving 600 miles away at the end of the month. Someday, maybe soon, I will end up relocating as well. So that line, so symbolic of the open road optimism for the future, is also simultaneously so wistful about the places we’re leaving behind, and the fun we’re putting in the rear-view mirror.
It’s this tightrope act between pensive, longing reflection on the past and relentless optimism for the future that I pondered as I drove north on I-287 through the rain, with no clear destination in mind, and the dashboard clock winding towards midnight. And sound-tracking that late-night drive was Integrity Blues, the breathtaking ninth studio album from Jimmy Eat World.
Moose Blood – “Cheek” Video
Moose Blood have released their new video for “Cheek.”
All Get Out Stream New Album
All Get Out’s new album, Nobody Likes a Quitter, can be streamed below.
Marianas Trench – “Who Do You Love” Video
Marianas Trench have released their new video for “Who Do You Love.”
Albums in Stores – Oct. 21st, 2016
Today is a pretty impressive release day. I think it’s highlighted by the fantastic new one from Jimmy Eat World. But there’s also albums from Lady Gaga, Kevin Devine, and American Football. If you hit read more you can see all the releases we have in our calendar for the week. Hit the quote bubble to access our forums and talk about what came out today, what albums you picked up, and to make mention of anything we may have missed.
Review: Kevin Devine – Instigator
“I can’t say I’m underrated,” Kevin Devine sings at the beginning of a new Bright Eyes-like folk song called “No One Says You Have To.” Although in the context of the song, it serves as a reminder to Devine to appreciate the success he’s found, I’ll have to disagree with him there. The 39-year-old Brookyln singer/songwriter is now nine albums deep and still hasn’t put out a bad album. He was able to release two albums in the same year – on the same day – with nearly two completely different sounds and both were rightfully acclaimed. But for all that, he crowdfunded his last two albums and he was dropped from Capitol after only one release — he can say he’s not underrated all he wants, but I’m going to disagree every time.
Instigator is my argument as to why.
Blink-182 – “She’s Out of Her Mind” Video
Blink-182 have released a new video for “She’s Out of Her Mind.” The video parodies their classic “What’s My Age Again?” video with a new spin and comes as part of Spotify’s new “Flash Frame” series.