Two Birds are a new band from Pittsburgh, PA that released their debut EP, The Great American Northeast, earlier this year. You can check it out right now on Bandcamp.
Two Birds debuted this EP to the world before ever playing a show. “It was sort of a surprise to everyone when we released that EP.” says band member Dan Garrighan. “Not that we really set out to do that from the start it just kind of happened. Nonetheless, it was really cool seeing such a positive response, especially bottling it all up into one afternoon. One night this band didn’t exist to anyone but the four of us, the next afternoon you could purchase our EP, watch live in-studio videos, buy merchandise, all that jazz. I really don’t see many bands coming to fruition like that. It is more of a slow process typically. I guess this project was just a little more personal for us; we really wanted to have our bases covered before introducing anyone to it.”
There’s a little more from the band on their process, and the new full length they’re working on, below, but really you should just go give the songs a listen!
Read More “Two Birds Working on Full Length, Want You to Listen to Their EP”