Science Fiction (Encore Episode 152)

Encore 152

You may have had to wait a few extra weeks for a new episode of Encore, but that doesn’t come close to the eight year wait for a new album from Brand New. But, it’s here, and we’re gonna talk all about it. I am joined this week, once again, by special guest Drew Beringer to break down Science Fiction. We talk about our history with the band, our thoughts on their catalog, and do a track-by-track through the new album. We discuss the band’s place in the music scene, why they resonate so much with fans, and argue how the new album stacks up in their discography.

There’s never been a band quite like Brand New, and we may never see anything quite like them, or their rabid fanbase, again. I hope you enjoy our deep dive as much as we did recording it.

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Miss May I Launch PledgeMusic Campaign

Miss May I

Miss May I have launched a PledgeMusic campaign to help cover the cost of their stolen trailer and gear:

On Sunday night while on tour in Milan Italy, 4 of us were awake, in the bus, in broad daylight when our trailer and its entire contents were stolen in less than 60 seconds. We were as careful as possible to avoid anything like this happening but in a matter of seconds practically everything we had with us was gone. We contacted the police but with incidents like this on the rise we were given very little hope of the trailer being recovered.

Why Indie Bands Go Major Label in the Streaming Era


Marc Hogan, writing at Pitchfork:

Scott Rodger, who manages Arcade Fire, Paul McCartney, and Shania Twain, points me to various artists’ pages on Spotify. Arcade Fire have 5 million monthly listeners on the streaming service. Radiohead have 6 million, while Grizzly Bear, the War on Drugs, and LCD Soundsystem all have more like 2 million. But Imagine Dragons, while critically scorned, have 30 million-plus. And the most popular artists right now, like “Despacito” hitmakers Daddy Yankee and Luis Fonsi, along with Ed Sheeran and Calvin Harris, have upwards of 40 million. “With the world moving towards streaming, most indie or alternative acts simply don’t stream as well,” Rodger says.

The Killers Talk With Noisey

The Killers

The Killers sat down with Noisey to talk about the current state of rock music and their new album:

Do you think a band like yours could gain similar traction in the present day?

“It could happen — but there hasn’t been anybody good enough. If there was a band like the Strokes, or Interpol, people would talk. [Points outside to Brooklyn] If there were some kids out there right now playing [Interpol’s] ‘Obstacle 1’ tonight, I would hear about it, you would hear about it. But there isn’t.”

Yeah, I don’t think that’s it.