We Have to Stop Pretending We Can’t Do Anything About Gun Violence

Lauren Duca, writing for Teen Vogue:

Firearms are shamefully under-regulated in this country. While details of the Las Vegas shooting continue to emerge, the broader contours of the gun control problem have long ago been cast in sharp relief. It is not too soon to get political. Politics affects everything, from where you get your water to where the latest attacker purchased their assault rifle. There are regulatory policy solutions that would make it more difficult to acquire these weapons. For change to occur, our distraught energy must be translated into an organizational force that insists on an institutional shift in our national approach to violence.

Maren Morris – “Dear Hate”

Maren Morris

Maren Morris has released her new song “Dear Hate” and dedicated the track to the victims in Las Vegas. She posted the track with the following statement:

I wrote this song 3 years ago, recorded it last year with Vince Gill, and always have fans asking when I’ll put it out. I never knew when would be the right time, but I realized today that there’s never a right time. Hate is everywhere, and I’m sick of not doing enough. In the darkest tunnel, there is still love & music. That’s what it’s here for. Here is Dear Hate. Any cent I see from this I’m donating to the Music City Cares Fund.

Read More “Maren Morris – “Dear Hate””

The Night Game Sign With Interscope

The Night Game have signed with Interscope records:

“The whole process has felt reminiscent of the music industry from another time, and has restored a bit of faith in launching this project through a major label system,” Johnson tells Billboard. “There is a deep connection to the music; not just to the metrics, algorithms, or play counts. It’s refreshing to be working with a company that has ears.”