Interview: Black Dog Prowl

Black Dog Prowl

I recently had the opportunity to chat with Washington, DC-based band, Black Dog Prowl, in their practice space in the heart of Maryland. They will be releasing a new series of EPs this Fall, and will headline the DC Music Rocks Festival on August 18th at the legendary 9:30 Club. In this interview, we chatted about each of the four band members’ influences, touring plans, and what this next gig means to them.

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Say Anything Announce the End; Share New Song

Say Anything is (sorta) coming to an end. A lengthy message from Max Bemis (over ten pages), can be read here.

Our plans as a collective are to, kind of sort of, end Say Anything. Or “the first era of Say Anything”. Whatever you want to call it, it’s that thing. I don’t buy that shit when other bands do it, but whatever the fuck works as terminology. I need a break. We’ll return one day to play festivals and scoff at our career. But I want to say goodbye.

There will be no full U.S tour to support the record or in the near future. I am done being a touring musician as my main profession. Say Anything is retiring in the sense that Jay-Z did. It’s not an indefinite hiatus or a breakup because that’s impossible. But we’ll get to that.

A message from his wife, Sherri DuPree-Bemis, can be read here:

If what Max wrote doesn’t make it clear, he’s recovering from a PTSD “breakdown” and this is not really bipolar-related stuff. It’s a guy who followed his passion to the point of almost breaking who stopped and saved his own life for us and those who care. Which has left him joyful but needing rest and relaxation and positivity.

The band will be releasing their new album, Oliver Appropriate, on October 12th. The first single, “Daze” is up on Spotify and Apple Music.

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Review: Thrice – Palms

Thrice - Palms

This first impression was originally posted as a live blog for supporters in our forums on July 19th, 2018. First impressions are meant to be quick, fun, initial impressions on an album or release as I listen to it for the first time. It’s a running commentary written while listening to an album — not a review. More like a diary of thoughts. This post has been lightly edited for structure and flow.

This new album from Thrice is a tricky one to pin down. I’ve spent the last week trying to figure out the best way to put into words what I think about it and, specifically, what it sounds like. I think going broadly I would describe the album has having a nice groove to it. A groove that reminds me most of Beggars, and one that doesn’t wholly eschew the rock sound they had on their last album, but instead leans into many aspects of that sound in new ways.

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Interview: Warped Tour (Video Interviews)

Warped Tour

I went out and talked to a variety of people and bands at Warped Tour this year. I also had some fun with some of the artists and had them respond to YouTube comments and, for fun, sing some public domain songs as well. I’ve broken up all of these interviews for your viewing pleasure.

Regular Interviews

Bands Respond to YouTube Comments

Bands Sing Public Domain Songs