Tiny Moving Parts have released two new songs, and a video for “For the Sake of Brevity.”
MxPx Cover “San Dimas High School Football Rules”
MxPx have recorded a cover of The Ataris’ “San Dimas High School Football Rules.” The song is also up on Apple Music and Spotify.
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Butch Walker Covers “Eye of the Tiger”
Butch Walker has shared his cover of “Eye of the Tiger.” He’s also shared how the song came to be, and that it’s in a new commercial for trucks.
New Ghostbusters Movie Coming in 2020
Jason Reitman will direct a new Ghostbusters movie. A teaser trailer has been released.
The Maine Announce New Album; Stream New Song
The Maine have announced their new album, You are Ok, will be out on March 29th. Today they’ve released the new song “Numb Without You” and pre-orders are now up.
With Confidence – “Icarus” Video
With Confidence have released a video for “Icarus.”
The Inside Story of How We Got Two Warring Fyre Festival Documentaries in the Same Week
Scott Tobias, writing at The Ringer:
Fyre and Fyre Fraud arrive at many of the same conclusions about what happened with the festival, and both documentaries place much of the blame on McFarland, a scam artist who was subsequently sentenced to six years in federal prison for wire fraud. However, the major difference between them is that the Hulu doc has an exclusive interview with McFarland and the Netflix doc does not. In the course of preparing a profile on Chris Smith (American Movie, Jim & Andy: The Great Beyond) for The Ringer, coming later this week, I asked Smith on Monday about the Hulu documentary that was released earlier in the day. What he said wound up sparking a kind of ethics-off between the two camps.
Netflix Raising Prices
Michael Liedtke, writing at the Associated Press:
Netflix is raising its U.S. prices by 13 percent to 18 percent, its biggest increase since the company launched its video streaming service 12 years ago.
Its most popular plan will see the largest hike, to $13 per month from $11. That option offers high-definition streaming on up to two different internet-connected devices simultaneously. Even at the higher price, that plan is still a few dollars cheaper than HBO, whose streaming service charges $15 per month.
Former Senses Fail Guitarist Starts New Band
Garrett Zablocki, formerly of Senses Fail, has announced a new project called Stereo Stargazer on Instagram.
Bowling for Soup Part Ways With Bassist
Bowling for Soup have parted ways with their bassist, Erik Chandler.
Erik has recently come to the decision, for personal reasons, that touring and being in a band full time has become too much for him. Together, Erik and the band have decided to part ways. This split is on good terms. We will always be Erik’s biggest fan and brother, and support him in his decisions and future endeavors. We also hope that our fans will support him and respect his decision and privacy in all of this as he enters the next chapter in his personal and professional life.
The Cranberries Announce Final Album
The Cranberries will release their final album, In the End, on April 26th. Today they’ve released the new single “All Over Now” and pre-orders are now up.
Alicia Keys to Host 2019 Grammys
Alicia Keys will be hosting the 2019 Grammys.
Frank Iero Talks About the Infamous ‘Black Parade’ Teaser Video
Frank Iero sat down with Seton O’Conner and talks a little about that My Chemical Romance teaser trailer that caused pandemonium a few years ago:
We wanted to do a 10-year anniversary release of it, and we had some demos left over and some songs that didn’t make the record and we were like, ‘Oh, cool. We’ll put it all together.’ Every year, we meet and have a barbecue kind of thing. We’ll have the barbecue, kids will hang out and we’ll discuss business for the next year. And we were like, ‘Oh, that would be really cool. We should do a little teaser trailer for it. Alright, that’s what we’ll do.’ So, we told the lady what we wanted, and they made this trailer, and we released it. And all of a sudden we were like, ‘Oh, wait. Everyone’s real confused.’
Read More “Frank Iero Talks About the Infamous ‘Black Parade’ Teaser Video”
More Better Oblivion Community Center Teasing
Some more information … well, not much information, but lots of speculation … about Better Oblivion Community Center (the rumored project of Phoebe Bridgers and Conor Oberst) has been coming out the past few days.
Guster Stream New Album, ‘Look Alive’
Guster’s new album, Look Alive, can be streamed below.