Review: Microwave – Death is a Warm Blanket

Microwave - Death is a Warm Blanket

The haunting first lyrics on “Leather Daddy” from Microwave ‘s latest record, Death is a Warm Blanket, come in packed with depth, substance, and relatability. When front-man/guitarist Nathan Hardy sings, “If you don’t want to talk, then just don’t talk /I’m fine with us just sitting in silence / If you want me to go then just say so / You can drop me off somewhere / I don’t know…I don’t have anywhere to go,” it’s nearly impossible not point to a relationship or friendship in the past or present that fits in with this rhetoric. We’ve all been in relationships when things just aren’t clicking, and it feels like we reach a point where we stop caring. Microwave are able to bottle up a ton of angst and polish it up enough to make an album worthy of being engulfed in.

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What Does Blink-182 Want to Say?


Mark Hoppus of Blink-182 talks with Vogue about the band’s new album:

For their new material, the group asked themselves one question: What do we have to say about the world today? “The world is in a really strange place right now,” lead singer Hoppus tells Vogue. “This record is about being a human being in 2019: the joy, fear, and anxiety of it.” He’s not wrong. From a U.S. president who’s more corrupt than ever to technology making us all feel disconnected and sad (“people are growing distant from one another,” Hoppus says), the daily headlines can be, well, a tad overwhelming; on Nine, Blink-182 use music to cope with it all.