Review: Chase Tremaine – Accidental Days

It’s really a treat to watch an artist blossom gracefully as they release new music that they believe in. Chase Tremaine has returned with his third full-length studio album, Accidental Days, that was produced by Brendan St. Gelais, and Tremaine really does a great job of capturing what I love most about guitar-driven pop songs. Tremaine has mapped out a comprehensive musical landscape that could very well be his best work yet, and it’s certainly my favorite of his to date. Through these ten songs that are filled with passion and purpose, Tremaine makes Accidental Days a labor of love, while wearing his influences of bands like Thrice, Mae and other prominent artists in the scene into a beautiful composition of music.

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Review: Booze Radly – Lose, Badly

I’d like to introduce everyone to Booze Radly. This Philadelphia-based, five-piece emo/punk band is comprised of Alex Manescu (Guitar/Vocals), Dylan Molloy (keyboard/vocals), Vince Dejesus (Guitar), Youssef Moussa (Bass), and Peter Sovia (Drums). On their latest EP, entitled Lose, Badly, they take the best parts of “loser rock” and re-package it in a meaningful way that makes you ultimately root for their success. This band sounds like a mixture between Gob, Homegrown, and Weezer, all put into a blender to see what drink you’re ready to consume.

They kick things off with their lead single, “White Guy Emo,” that features some nice guest vocals from Gabby Relos to layer out their vocal attack. Manescu opens with, “First loves never really fade away / But how interesting is that for us to say / You know I’m tired and it’s a chore / But these songs keep coming cause all we are is bored,” as he captures that teenage, punk rock spirit in a nutshell. Other songs like the frenetic “Hydro Illogical” find Booze Radly experimenting with bratty vocals paired with a mosh pit-ready anthem, while “Crash and Burn” keeps the interest level high in this punk band’s attack.

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Charlie and Margot – “Sleeping” (Song Premiere)

Charlie & Margot

Today I’m thrilled to bring everyone the new single from indie rock solo project, Charlie & Margot, called “Sleeping.” The artist recently announced their debut LP, entitled Joyride, that will be out everywhere music is sold on April 7th. With a style that strays somewhere between Dr. Dog and Jason Isbell, Charlie & Margot are right on the cusp of greatness. Matteo DeBenedetti shared, “‘Sleeping’ is written about facing up to the idea that sometimes putting your trust in other people can ultimately end up being a bad thing for you, and sometimes it’s best to take matters into your own hands. In this instance, it’s very specifically regarding being a musician, being involved with other people as a touring musician (as a grown adult) at a DIY level, and navigating all the nuances that come with that.” Charlie & Margot may just be the next great musical discovery.

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