The 1975 Sued by Malaysian Festival

The 1975


The organizer of Malaysia’s Good Vibes Festival has filed a lawsuit against the 1975 and all its members individually following frontman Matty Healy’s protest against the country’s anti-LGBTQ laws during the event last July. The festival is seeking £1.9 million ($2.4 million) after the band’s antics resulted in the festival being shut down.

In court documents filed by festival organizers Future Sound Asia in the U.K. High Court, they claim that the 1975 and their management team were aware of the numerous prohibitions the band had to abide by in order to perform.

Weezer Cancel Boxset


Karl Koch has revealed that the Weezer SZNZ box set has been cancelled:

ok official word: i just learned the SZNZ box was in fact cancelled, im sorry to confirm. Apparently high cost vs. not expecting enough sales to make it work. Feels kinda like the Broadway cancel thing… just letting SZNS be ‘as is’, and enjoy

Review: Team Goldie – Trailblazer

The debut LP by Team Goldie, called Trailblazer, is a solid mix of pop-punk, emo, and overall nostalgia towards the scene of music most of us grew up on. Team Goldie comes from the mind of multi-instrumentalist and vocalist Matt DiStefano, and the new album was produced by DiStefano and John Browne. What comes through the speakers is a blast of energetic pop-punk songs filled with passion and knowledge of this genre. On the name-dropping single of “One & Only,” DiStefano rhythmically sings, “She was standing there in mom jeans and a plain white tee / With confidence, yelled “what’s good, Charlotte?” / Sand in my hand and we got to talking / She said “What’s your sign, boy?” I’m all Aries no Taurus / Just an absolute punk jumping straight to the chorus like…” before jumping into a crowd-pleasing chorus. While Team Goldie may just be happy to be a part of this scene of music, Trailblazer plays out like a record that you’ll want to revisit during the care free days of summer.

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Review: Artless Jesus – “U HATE ME”

I’d like to introduce everyone to Artless Jesus, a new pop-punk band that features members of Record Heat (Spirit Animal), Cal Stamp (vocals) and Paul Michel (guitars). The lead single from The Assorted Grievances of Artless Jesus EP, “U HATE ME,” also has Pat Gerasia (Red Sun Rising) on drums, and features a nice combination of crunchy guitar riffs, shimmering pop-punk vocals from Cal Stamp, and a cool all-around vibe built for those summer drives to the beach. The band shared, “We shared the EP with some industry types and they hated it, so we posted their feedback on our website. After a decade-plus of kicking around the lower-middle class of the music business, we don’t really give a shit anymore. Fuck ’em.” With a sound that sounds similar to early New Found Glory paired with Four Year Strong, Artless Jesus may just be the next great discovery in the pop-punk genre.

Cal Stamp’s smooth vocals in the verses bleed well into the pre-chorus build-up, before admitting, “But you hate the way my voice sounds when I’m singing you to sleep / And you hate the way I stumble trying to sweep you off your feet / You hate the shape our bodies make at night between the sheets / But the only thing I’d change in you / Are all the countless ways that you hate me.” It’s a pretty solid introductory statement from some talented, and under-appreciated, musicians who are looking for a new avenue for their creativity.

The Oral History of the ‘Garden State’ Soundtrack

The Ringer

The Ringer:

Imogen Heap (Frou Frou, “Let Go”): “Let Go” was originally written for a film called Phone Booth. It had a much bigger energy, much bigger drums, very intense. I always loved the song, but it didn’t get into the movie. Then one night in our studio in West London, I brought out my cello. We stripped away all the intensity, and we were just left with the strings and the voice and that amazing bass line. We loved it so much, but through that whole Frou Frou album [Details], nobody really got to know about it until after Garden State

Braff: There was a Radiohead song at the end, [“Sulk”]. Of course it would have been a huge Hail Mary try, but as I recall, what happened was we found a song that just works better. We didn’t need to make the insane ask of Radiohead.