Ali Sperry – “My Walk To You” (Video Premiere)

Today I’m so excited to share with everyone the new single and video from Ali Sperry called “My Walk To You.” Ali Sperry, when faced with a year of trauma, racial reckoning, and downright worldwide existential crisis, did what she has always done — turned inward and wrote songs that channeled, mirrored and ultimately distilled those cultural currents. On this vibrant new single that floats over Sperry’s transcendent vocals, she showcases why she’s a key artist to watch in the Nashville music scene. Sperry shared:

Songwriting can be pure therapy for me, and that was the case with ‘My Walk To You.’ Some songs I whittle away at for months or even years, but this was one of those gifts that showed up whole. It was during a period of deep grief as I was processing the recent loss of my first pregnancy, and as I was going to bed one night the words and the melody came into my head, essentially fully formed. I made a note of the lyrics and recorded a quiet voice memo on my phone so I could remember the melody in the morning. I distinctly heard piano as being the driving instrument in the song, and imagined strings weaving around the melody. It was a very heavy time in my life, and this image of the soul I was singing to, somewhere in the ether waiting and witnessing my journey to them, helped me grasp a sense of hope and fortitude.

If you’re ready to believe in true musical artistry again, Ali Sperry is here for you.