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Dayaway – “A Brief Dream of Sun” (Song Premiere)

Today I’m so excited to share with everyone the latest single from indie pop songwriter, Dayaway, called “A Brief Dream of Sun.” On this vibrant new song, Amber Renee channels her love for psychedelic rock paired with lush vocals into a powerful message of endless possibilities. The song comes from Dayaway’s new EP, Blue Summer Moon, out everywhere music is sold on August 30th. I was also able to catch up with this talented songwriter for a brief interview below.

How would you say “A Brief Dream of Sun” fits into the general narrative/story of your new EP, Blue Summer Moon, and can you describe its thematic inspiration?

This song is about wanting something you can’t ever have. In the story arc we’re telling, “a brief dream of sun” is the moment of heartbroken acceptance that the person you love doesn’t belong to you. Your lives may have intersected for a brief time, but ultimately you’re on two separate paths. 

You noted that this track is the one that you are “most proud to have written.” What about it makes it stand out as such?

Graham and i have been making music together for almost 10 years now, and creating this song felt like we had unlocked something new and special. It pushed us into new territory, and the result is really gorgeous and heart-wrenching. We both love it and what it represents to our growth as musicians. 

One could describe dayaway’s sound as “beachy,” “psychedelic,” and “shoegazy.” If you had to pin it down, how would you best describe it? And where does this single fall?

All of the above! there are elements of many types of beach (or beach-adjacent) music in what we do, like surf rock, dream pop, 60s pop, shoegaze, etc. We’re interested in exploring all of these genres and emerging with something new. “A brief dream of sun” feels like an acid-washed daydream that blends shoegaze with dream pop and psychedelia.