Today is a great day to share the latest single from actor turned pop singer/songwriter, Nicholas Hamilton, called “Alone.” The song comes from his forthcoming EP, FATE, that will be out this summer. Hamilton shared, “Growing up, and even as I moved into my 20’s, I loved the independence of being on my own. No one to report to or rely on, just me, myself and I. The moment I moved to NYC at the end of 2021, after almost a year of floating around the world, sleeping on couches and shooting movies with barely a cent in my bank account, I felt different. I wanted to experience life with someone. I found myself calling my parents more often, making plans to hang out with friends, just to escape the suddenly dreaded feeling of being alone. ‘Alone’ was born out of this sensation, which was as foreign to me as the city I’d just moved to. ‘Alone’ is not what it once was. Remember when it was nice?'” I was also able to catch up with Nicholas for a brief interview below.
For anyone who isn’t familiar with your musical career, what is the first thing they should know about your work?
12 years of acting has forced me to grow up a lot quicker than the people around me, which is a blessing and curse. My music charts the journey I’ve been on since I started writing music at 18. This new record is much softer than the first EP I put out in 2021. It’s more adult, refined, emotive and I feel more connected to it than I have anything else I’ve done.
What made you choose this single as your first new release, and what is its significance to you?
”Alone” was the first song I finished after I moved to NYC. The year prior to November of 2021 held the biggest ups and downs of my life, floating around the world, sleeping on couches and shooting movies with barely a cent in my bank account, so finally having a real home base allowed me to sit down and flesh out that period and the emotions I was feeling, through song-writing. Growing up, and even as I moved into my 20’s, I loved the independence of being on my own. No one to report to or rely on, just me, myself and I. Once I moved to NY, I wanted to experience life with someone. I found myself calling my parents more often, making plans to hang out with friends, just to escape the suddenly dreaded feeling of being alone. “Alone” was born out of this sensation, which was as foreign to me as the city I’d just moved to. To me, it’s the perfect track to start the new EP with. While the following songs detail specific moments in my life and romantic journeys, “Alone” paints with a broader brush, introducing the listening audience to my headspace before the record starts.