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Statement from Vagrant Records


A message from Vagrant Records regarding the leak of Thrice’s Beggars can be found below.

Vagrant Records here. We don’t normally chime in on message boards like this, but we see a lot of back and forth about the Thrice piracy issue and feel we should let people know our position: We see a lot of posts basically blaming us for this leak. Vagrant has been using that same player for almost three years and this has never been an issue. In this case, someone clearly and unfortunately went out of their way to try and hack into our system. The link got into the wrong hands and someone took the time to figure out how to get around the password and user log in. Obviously there are people out there we thought we could trust with that information, but instead have proven to be dishonest.

Vagrant is currently speaking to Thrice’s management and the band about the best methods for the album release and how we’re going to proceed. When there is more to tell on that front, Vagrant will get the word out through all available media outlets. 

The band is honored to have such true, loyal supporters, and your responsibility in this matter is greatly appreciated. All we can do at this point is appeal to the fans good graces and ask they avoid permeating an already tough situation. 

We sincerely thank you for your support!

- Vagrant Records

This article was originally published on
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Jeremy McKinnon of A Day to Remember

A Day to Remember

Let’s start off by stating your name and what you play in A Day to Remember.

Jeremy McKinnon. I sing for A Day to Remember.

How is Warped Tour going so far?

Incredible. We seriously couldn’t be happier with how the tour is run, and how it’s going.

Any funny or embarrassing moments?

When we played one of the Texas Warped dates, some of the kids threw a blow up doll on stage that had writing all over it. There was a heart around its … back door that said “For Tom.”

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Alkaline Trio

Alkaline Trio

How do you guys personally feel about the new album?

Derek: I can honestly say that we are more pleased with this album than anything that we’ve done before. From the writing of the songs, down to the actual recording of the album it was about as pure a process as possible, creatively.

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Casey Calvert Autopsy Results

Hawthorne Heights

Casey Calvert died of accidental substance abuse.

Hawthorne Heights guitarist Casey Calvert died due to the “acute combined effects of opiate, citalopram and clonazepam intoxication,” according to the just-released results of an autopsy performed by the office of the chief medical examiner in Washington, D.C. The autopsy listed Calvert’s death as accidental, though it added that it was brought on due to “substance abuse.” Both citalopram (also known by the brand name Celexa) and clonazepam (also known by the brand names Klonopin and Rivotril) are prescription drugs, the former an antidepressant and the latter used to treat seizure disorders and panic attacks.

Eron Bucciarelli from Hawthorne Heights has sent us a message about Casey Calvert’s autopsy:

From the time of the incident we suspected a possible drug interaction as the cause. Casey wrestled with depression for as long as we knew him. He saw numerous doctors and took an ever-changing array of medicines to get better. He finally had his depression under control. According to the toxicology report, the cause of death was due to a fatal interaction between depression meds, anxiety meds and an opiate. Opiates being mentioned along with the term “substance abuse”, coupled with “rockstar” stereotypes immediately conjure up images of hard drug use and addiction, which simply couldn’t be further from the truth in Casey’s instance. What the toxicology report doesn’t show is that prior to us leaving for tour, Casey had a root canal, and was prescribed Vicodin (an opiate) for the pain. Once again, Casey was not involved in anything illegal nor was he a substance abuser. Please be respectful as we search for more answers to these newly raised questions and deal with this news.

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I’m Sorry I Have to Be the One to Post This

Hawthorne Heights

In order to stop this from getting out of control before it starts I have a very sad announcement to make. However, I must preface it by saying that any shit talking will result in a permanent ban from this website effective immediately. Out of respect to the band and their many fans and friends who visit this website – I simply cannot in good conscience allow hate to be present today. It is with deep sorrow that I must announce that I have been informed by two very reliable sources that Casey from Hawthorne Heights passed away last night. At this moment there are no official announcements and no other information available – we will keep you updated. Our thoughts and prayers are with everyone involved. 

I’ve been struggling with how to post this and even if I should post anything for the past hour … at this time I’ve decided to make the post in order to be here and make sure I can moderate the comments instead of things getting out of hand. I wish I knew the right things to say right now, but I don’t. I hope more than anything that the story isn’t true – but based upon the information we have at this time – sadly I believe it is.


Hawthorne Heights have posted a message on their website.

Today is probably the worst day ever. Its with our deepest regrets that we have to write this. Casey Calvert passed away in his sleep last night. We found out this afternoon before sound-check. We’ve spent the entire day trying to come to grips with this and figure out as much as possible. At this time we’re not sure what exactly happened. Just last night he was joking around with everyone before he went to bed. We can say with absolute certainty that he was not doing anything illegal. Please, out of respect to Casey and his family, don’t contribute or succumb to any gossip you may hear. We don’t want his memory to be tainted in the least. Casey was our best friend. He was quirky and awesome and there will truly be no others like him! His loss is unexplainable. As soon as we know more we will let you know.


Hawthorne Heights (Eron, JT, Micah and Matt)

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