Clearing Up Some Blink-182 Rumors


Mark Hoppus of Blink-182 took to his Discord today to clear up a few random rumors that had started circling around the ‘ol internet. While speculation around Tom DeLonge’s return to the band happens with just about every single social media post he makes, last week things were kicked into high-gear because he updated his bio to include the band’s name in it, Funko’s celebrating the band’s 30-year anniversary were announced and promoted by him, and Matt Skiba commented that he didn’t know the current status of the band.

Toss in a radio station in Chicago saying an announcement was coming, and, we got some chaos-182 for the band’s anniversary. The updates from Mark can be found below, but the basics are: no extra announcement coming today, no tour dates are currently planned, check the official channels for information about the band, and they will be touring again in the future. As for today’s news: they have some new anniversary merch up, the Funkos are up for pre-sale at various retailers (more, more, and UK more), and my recommendation as someone that’s been covering this band for most of their career: it’s best to just wait until someone you trust spills the beans instead of reading into bio changes or cryptic social media posts.

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Hayley Talks About Next Paramore Album

Hayley talked a little about the upcoming Paramore album on her podcast:

We started working on new material as a band over the last year and a half – you know, the three of us, Zac, Taylor and I – and I just want to say it, I don’t even feel like it gives away very much…Bloc Party, from day one, was the number one reference because, it was like, there was such an urgency to their sound that was different from the fast punk or the pop punk or the loud wall-of-sound emo bands that were happening in the early 2000s. They had their own thing and it was so unique and so dynamic and it really stuck with us and I’m really really thankful for this band. I’m so thankful that they’re back and playing shows. They’re putting out great songs and it just makes me feel even more excited to get back out into the world and maybe cross paths with a band that has been a huge part of our story since day one.