Zoon is the moniker of the talented musician, Daniel Monkman. Today, Zoon is premiering two different music videos for the singles “Clouded Formation” and “A Perfect Sunset Ahead” from his debut album, Bleached Wavves, released via Paper Bag Records. Zoon shared this about “Clouded Formation:”
”Clouded Formation” was created from a random sound experiment. I wanted to create a song that didn’t follow any traditional structures but had traditional sounds. I initially wrote a basic guitar progression and added some light leads over top. Then sent it through a ditto looper and had this amazing 30sec loop. I then sent that loop to another reversed reverb pedal and amazingly came across this beautiful wall of sound texture, Which had no real proper structure. It all came together when I designed a drum pattern that fit perfectly with the track and gave it a sense of normalcy.
With a shoegaze sound in the same realm as My Bloody Valentine, Zoon could very well be your next music obsession.