Sponsor: The Maine’s New Album ‘Lovely Little Lonely’ Is Out Now

The Maine

The Maine have released their new album, Lovely Little Lonely. You can listen to it right now on all the streaming services or pick up the physical copy. The album is being self-released and self-distributed and you can also grab a copy at special pop-up shops today:

The CD version of our album also comes with a bonus disc that features an instrumental version of Lovely Little Lonely.

This album was created and released independently by you. This means, we will not be in traditional retail stores.

The band are also currently out on tour and you can grab tickets here.

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Spotify Considers Directly Listing Shares on Public Exchange

The Wall Street Journal:

The Swedish company, last valued at $8.5 billion, is seriously considering not holding a public sale of shares. Instead it is exploring simply listing its shares on an exchange in what is known as a direct listing, according to people familiar with the matter. It wouldn’t raise money—the hallmark of an IPO—or use underwriters to sell the stock.


There are risks to this approach, whose consideration by Spotify was earlier reported by Mergermarket. With market forces determining the share price from the outset, the company’s public debut could be more volatile and unpredictable. Also missing would be the large blocks of stock underwriters typically allocate to investors they believe will hold the shares for the long term and promote trading stability.

An Alternate History of Third Eye Blind

Third Eye Blind

Rob Harvilla, writing on The Ringer, with an alternate history of Third Eye Blind:

Two decades! You’re (probably) old! But Third Eye Blind holds up. The full anniversary treatment is in order, complete with a victory-lap tour. But the punch line is that the album got so huge, and the band’s eventual split was so irreparable, that there are two bands now, and two tours.

Salazar and founding guitarist-songwriter Kevin Cadogan — who left the band in roughly 2006 and 2000, respectively, after vicious and prolonged battles with Jenkins over the holy rock-band triumvirate of money, power, and credit — are on the other one. The one not officially traveling under the Third Eye Blind banner.

Post Visual Development in Rogue One

Rouge One - Star Wars

Alexander Gustaveson, writing on ILM, about the digital work done on Rogue One:

Much of the work in Post Visual Development is pure design. We design digital environments and sets, we alter designs from pre-production, we create ships, weapons, and creatures.

Designing digital environments after plate photography allows flexibility in storytelling. For example: the Citadel sequence. The modular design and concentric circles allowed Gareth visual cheats: a character can jump huge distances geographically as needed for the plot, but the audience is not lost visually because the symmetry of the design.

Fascinating read.

Walt Mossberg to Retire in June

The Verge

Walt Mossberg, one of the great tech writers, will be retiring in June.

Over my career, I’ve reinvented myself numerous times. I covered the Pentagon, the State Department, and the CIA. I wrote about labor wars, trade wars, and real wars. I chronicled a nuclear plant meltdown and the defeat of communism. I co-founded a couple of media businesses.

And, in the best professional decision of my life, I converted myself into a tech columnist in 1991. As a result, I got to bear witness to a historic parade of exciting, revolutionary innovation — from slow, clumsy, ancient PCs to sleek, speedy smartphones; from CompuServe and early AOL to the mobile web, apps, and social media. My column has run weekly in a variety of places over the years, most recently on The Verge and Recode under the Vox Media umbrella, where I’ve been quite happy and have added a podcast of which I’m proud.