Review: Jimmy Eat World – Bleed American

Jimmy Eat World - Bleed American

Some songs just linger in the cultural bloodstream. It’s impossible to predict, in the moment, which songs those will be. Occasionally, it’s the big hits, but it’s also often those same world-conquering smashes that end up sounding the most dated in retrospect. Usually, you have to wait years or even decades to see which songs have truly become songbook classics, once all the context and narrative and hype and promotion has drifted into distant memory. You have to get to the point where all that remains is the song itself and the mysterious, beguiling hold it somehow continues to have over people.

There’s a spectacular cover band in my hometown that mostly plays songs from the classic rock era. It’s not hard to see why: Those songs have been proven staples for so long that building a setlist around them is just a smart business decision. You can’t miss with “Bohemian Rhapsody” or “Don’t Stop Believin’” or “American Girl.” You can’t miss with The Beatles or The Stones. There are precisely two post-2000 songs that I remember regularly hearing in the setlist from this particular cover band. The first one was “Mr. Brightside.”

The second was “The Middle.”

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Jimmy Eat World Share Origins of New Graphic Novel

Jimmy Eat World

Jimmy Eat World talked with Consequence about their upcoming graphic novel:

With all this backstory and with the video turning out rad, we felt it would be a shame to let it just end. The video pretty much is a live-action comic anyway. Z2 Comics was the best partner to do this with because they have experience working with people outside the comic world to make something good. They put me in touch with the writer, Alex Paknadel. I shared what I knew about the backstory and a very basic arc of where KLARRG could end up emotionally. After that I let him just go. He had total freedom to take it wherever he thought was interesting.

The illustrator Koren Shadmi was enlisted to draw because I felt his take on Sci-Fi was spot-on for the tone. Just a really great mix of presenting the unexplainable and unreal with a sense of total immersion, helplessness and struggle.

Review: Jimmy Eat World – Invented

Jimmy Eat World - Invented

I have fallen in love with a disproportionately large number of my favorite albums in cars. Riding in cars, sleeping in cars, driving in cars, singing in cars. 15-minute drives to school in cars and cross-country road trips in cars. Nighttime drives with no other cars on the road and gridlocked rush hour drives with hundreds of other cars on the road. Hot-as-hell summer drives in cars and cold-as-ice winter drives in cars that were slipping and sliding down snow-covered roads. Celebratory “turn the music up” moments in cars with friends, and long, lonely, sad solo drives in cars with nothing but the music and my own thoughts to keep me company. There is something about being in transit in an automobile that makes music sound better, and it’s something that can’t be replicated on a boat, or a plane, or a train, or a subway, or a city bus. It’s the combination of the small space and the big sound, of the endless scenery flying by outside the window and the tiny self-contained environment of the vehicle. The right car ride can make a good album sound great and a great album sound immaculate. I don’t think it’s any coincidence that my fondest years of musical discovery align directly with the years where I spent the most time in cars.

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Jim Adkins Does New Video Interview

Jim Adkins

Jim Adkins of Jimmy Eat World did a video interview with RockSound. He talked a little about what he’s been working on lately:

I’ve been working on the same song for four months now! It might be time to try something different.

It’s hard to say ‘How complete is this?’, because until it’s done it’s not really anything. It’s not a question of, ‘I have this much more to go’. It’s either done or it’s zero. Progress can happen really quickly or you could be fighting a puzzle for a really long time. It’s nothing until that puzzle is solved. It’s really hard to gauge, ‘Well I only have this much more to go on it’, because I don’t know how much more that is. I’m excited for it. I think it’s got potential. But I don’t know, it’s one of those things.

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