Review: John Mayer – Continuum

John Mayer Continuum

From the moment it was released, it seemed like John Mayer’s Continuum was poised to be a classic. That’s not because Mayer was particular respected at the time. Sure, Mayer hadn’t yet put his foot in his mouth by making stupid comments to interviewers. Still, though, the Berklee dropout turned pop sensation wasn’t exactly anyone’s first bet in the “guess who will have career longevity” game. It was obvious from early on that Mayer had chops, and equally obvious that he could write a damn sturdy pop song. (Listen to Room for Squares and tell me those tunes don’t still sound like hits.) But he was a teen pop icon first and foremost, and most of his songs seemed destined to become relics of early 2000s radio. You need only listen to “Your Body Is a Wonderland” once to realize how easily Mayer could have been a pop cultural punchline 10 years after the fact.

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Albums in Stores – September 9th, 2016

Today has quite a few albums worth checking out. That This Wild Life album is probably the first one I’ll listen to that I haven’t heard yet. I also plan on giving Norma Jean a spin, and I am always impressed by The Dear Hunter. If you hit read more you can see all the releases we have in our calendar for the week. Hit the quote bubble to access our forums and talk about what came out today, what albums you picked up, and to make mention of anything we may have missed.

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Albums in Stores – Sep. 2nd, 2016

So the big album release of the day is from A Day To Remember. I’m also going to be giving the James McMorrow, Chris Farren, and Cymbals Eat Guitars albums a spin. If you hit read more you can see all the releases we have in our calendar for the week. Hit the quote bubble to access our forums and talk about what came out today, what albums you picked up, and to make mention of anything we may have missed.

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