The first trailer for Stephen King’s The Dark Tower has been released.
Sum 41 – “Goddamn I’m Dead Again” Video
Sum 41 have released a video for “Goddamn I’m Dead Again.”
The Oatmeal: You’re Not Going to Believe What I’m About to Tell You
Phoenix Perform on Fallon
Kevin Garcia of Grandaddy Passes Away
Kevin Garcia, bassist of Grandaddy, has passed away. He was 41.
Paramore – “Told You So” Video
Paramore have debuted their new video for “Told You So.”
In the Spotlight: 50 Bands You Need to Hear in 2017 (Part Two)
Today we’re happy to bring you part two of our “In the Spotlight” feature. We’ve got another group of 25 artists that we think are worthy of your time and ears. Our contributors have made their picks, put together blurbs, and pulled out recommended songs.
If you missed part one, you can find that here.
Read More “In the Spotlight: 50 Bands You Need to Hear in 2017 (Part Two)”
That ‘Orange Is the New Black’ Ransom Thing Was Never Going to Pay Off
Brian Barrett, writing at Wired:
Although the hack offers a reminder that even the best security can be undone by the so-called “weakest link” — Netflix can’t do much if a vendor is compromised — it provides a bigger lesson in how the internet has largely shifted away from torrenting. If a show lands on The Pirate Bay and nobody watches, did it really stream?
Consider that in 2011, BitTorrent accounted for 23 percent of daily internet traffic in North America, according to network-equipment company Sandvine. By last year, that number sat at under 5 percent. “There’s always going to be the floor of people that are always going to be torrenting,” says Sandvine spokesperson Dan Deeth. That group will surely enjoy whatever Piper’s up to in season five. But the idea that so small a cohort might prompt Netflix to negotiate with hackers seems absurd.
I commented on this when New Found Glory’s new album leaked and there were a bunch of comments in the threads basically saying, “no reason to go hunt for the leak, it’ll be on Spotify soon enough anyway.” I always thought easy and convenient access to music would help curb piracy, but even I didn’t think it would have as big an impact as it has.
Rise Against’s Video Shoot Shut Down
Rise Against’s video shoot for “The Violence” was shut down for apparently being “anti-government.” The full message from the band can be found below.
Beyoncé Brings ‘Lemonade’ to Vinyl
Beyoncé has announced a new $300 box set for Lemonade and the album is up for pre-order on vinyl.
Matt Skiba Apologizes to Fans for the Fyre Festival
TMZ caught up with Blink-182’s Matt Skiba and asked him about the Frye Festival. He apologized to fans for the disaster:
We were only pulling out because we were getting the feeling that it didn’t have enough of our stage that we needed to put on the show we have. We’re on tour right now and we have a production that we bring with us and they weren’t able to facilitate the show that we put on, so we were just like, ‘We can’t play the show.’
The Coathangers – “Captain’s Dead” Video
The Coathangers have released a video for “Captain’s Dead.”
Radiohead to Release New Edition of ‘OK Computer’
Radiohead will release a reissue of OK Computer featuring three unreleased songs. The digital version will be out on June 23rd with physical copies coming in July. Pre-orders are now up.
Read More “Radiohead to Release New Edition of ‘OK Computer’”
Ryan Adams Performs on Colbert
Ryan Adams performed “Outbound Train” on Colbert last night.
The All-American Rejects Tease
The All-American Rejects are doing some teasing.