Review: Anberlin – Dark Is the Way, Light Is a Place

Anberlin - Dark Is the Way, Light Is a Place

My memories surrounding Anberlin’s fifth studio album, Dark is the Way, Light is a Place is kind of a mixed bag of emotions. While on one hand, I found the aggressive and darker tones to the music presented here as a nice change of pace from the brighter material that came before this, I couldn’t help but feel like some of the lyrics on this record were a tad too repetitive to connect with me on a deeper level. Anberlin worked on this record with veteran hit-maker Brendan O’Brien, and under his watchful eye, the band was able to create some of their best material as well. From the brilliant first single “Impossible” to the thoughtfully-crafted “Take Me (As You Found Me),” the band appeared to be hitting the right groove in the latter stages of their career. While some fans of the band regard this album as a rare misstep in the band’s evolution, I feel like Anberlin were at the cusp of something incredible during this moment in time. When asked about the possible impact of this record, Stephen Christian replied in one interview, “I feel like we’re on the brink of something…either world domination or destruction, but either way we’re on the brink.” By pushing themselves to the brink of creativity, the band have made an album that fits nicely into their storied discography.

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Lynn Gunn Talks with Alt Press


Lynn Gunn of PVRIS talked with Alt Press about her latest album:

My ultimate intention with everything, not just music and career, but life right now, is to feel [as] free as possible, and just be, and be what I know I am and what I’m comfortable being. That’s very different from what I felt like I needed to be when we first started playing music. 

Especially with making this album, I was flying around constantly and traveling around and going in different sessions alone and tracking alone and doing everything really singularly, just due to circumstances and how things are playing out within our scheduling. This album has been the most…I’m putting air quotes around “solo venture.” And so it felt the most appropriate to finally have everything align with that and to be real and open about it.

Liner Notes (September 4th, 2020)


First impressions of the new Acceptance album, more impressions of the new Slick Shoes album, and all sorts of heaping praise for Ted Lasso. All that, and more, in this week’s newsletter. Plus, as always, a playlist of ten songs I enjoyed this week. This week’s supporter Q&A post can be found here.

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Review: Barely Civil – I’ll Figure This Out

Barely Civil - I'll Figure This Out

Barely Civil would be hard-pressed to find a more aptly titled moniker for their sophomore record as they explore the quest of discovering what it means to let go of the parts of themselves that no longer fit and move forward in this crazy thing called life. I’ll Figure This Out in many ways is an investigation into what it means to belong to something bigger than yourself, and finding ways to cope with both the good and bad that comes up. The album was produced by Chris Teti (TWIABP, Fiddlehead), and he does a masterful job of getting the best out of the band. The record’s highs seem bigger and brighter, whereas the lows of the LP hit home harder and have a lasting impact on the listener. The Wisconsin-based band have created a record that comes at a perfect time, as it will likely carry us through the uncertain fall and winter seasons as we say goodbye to this abysmal year.

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