Northvale – Where We Go When There’s Nothing Left (Track By Track)

Today, New Jersey alternative rock/pop-punk band, Northvale, are releasing their debut LP called Where We Go When There’s Nothing Left. Northvale is Keith Karol (Vocals), Mike Piacentini (Guitar), Chris Stroz (Guitar), and Aren Millan (Drums), and their great band chemistry shines through brilliantly on their debut album. If you’re enjoying the insight given by Northvale, please consider streaming the album here.

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Interview: Errth


Recently I was able to connect with Errth, the newest addition to Philadelphia’s vibrant punk scene. Including Kevin Day (Aspiga/Graduation Speech), Eric Saylor (Reunions), Tim DeMarco (ex-Public Serpents), and Brian McClure (Seeing Snakes), Errth mixes the influences of East Bay, Chicago, and Northeast punk bands for an end result that is familiar yet refreshing. With three different songwriters at the helm, each identity has a moment to shine but is reinforced by the group as a whole. In this brief interview, I asked them about their cool new single called “New Orleans,” that will officially be released this Thursday, and the band’s writing process. If you’re enjoying the new single, please consider supporting the band here.

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