2024 Holiday Gift Guide


How are we in the middle of November already? How?

Each year I put together a small gift guide post full of things that I think make great gifts and are a lot of fun to give or receive for the holidays. Everything on the list is something I’ve used, enjoyed, and recommend. I have recommendations posts for software, headphones, and miscellaneous stuff around the house, so the things on this list will be more focused on stuff not included in those posts and geared toward things I’ve come across in the past year or so and think would make good gifts.

I used my Amazon affiliate link when the product showed up there, which gives our website a slight percentage back if you make a purchase and helps fund our continued existence.

If you’d like to get me a gift, becoming a supporting member or gifting another user a supporting membership for a year would mean the world to me. And, if you’re looking for something in just about any price range with a Chorus.fm or AbsolutePunk.net logo on it, check our merch shop.

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2024’s Version of the Chorus Update

Chorus.fm Logo

Last year, I wrote about the annual state of Chorus in August. The state of the website was, more or less, that costs had increased, ad revenue had decreased, and supporter revenue had more or less stayed the same.

This year, I’m only a couple of months behind my already haphazard schedule of checking in on everything. Packing up a home and moving will toss everything into disarray like that.

The story of the past year is similar, with a few new bright spots.

The website’s costs have remained flat. I forecast that within the next twelve months, I’ll need to upgrade the forum server’s hard drive space again (we’re a little over half full, mostly from image attachments).

Ad revenue continues to be predictable and predictably less than the year before.

Supporter revenue continues to be strong and growing, which is why I can run this website and community.

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31 Years Later: How Nine Inch Nails’ ‘Broken’ Blurs the Line of Fiction and Reality for a Terrifying Experience

NIN - Broken

What was the first movie that disturbed you? The movie that got under your skin so bad its images haunted your nightmares. A movie where the mention of its title makes you shudder and cringe. A good movie, but you never want to watch it again. Being a huge horror fan, blood and gore doesn’t shock me much. My idea of cozy is curling up with my dog and watching a good horror movie, like The Exorcist. Very few movies scare or disturb me. But when I stumble upon a movie that truly shakes me or disgusts me, it’s something I never forget. For me, one of those movies is Nine Inch NailsBroken.

Released in 1993 by Nine Inch Nails mastermind Trent Reznor and Coil’s Peter Christopherson, the movie is a companion piece to the 1992 Broken EP. The record was a response to Reznor’s then-label TVT and former boss Steve Gottlieb. After the success of 1989’s Pretty Hate Machine the label pressured Reznor to create a similar album. Wanting to re-create the success of that album, TVT refused to release anything else Reznor gave them. Not wanting to compromise his music, Reznor demanded his contract be terminated; his request was ignored.

This didn’t stop Reznor. Instead, he recorded his next project in secret under various pseudonyms to avoid interference from the label. The music was markedly different from Reznor’s debut album. This was harsh, aggressive, ugly, and intense. There were no catchy songs and radio-friendly singles here. Reznor knew the label would hate it, but that was the point.

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Interview: Stay Inside

Stay Inside

A few months ago I was privileged to chat with Chris Johns and Bryn Nieboer of Stay Inside about the band’s new album, Ferried Away. After releasing two beloved records (2020’s Viewing and the 2022 EP Blight) with No Sleep Records, the Brooklyn-based quartet released their second full-length independently – from the artwork to the videos to the physical copies Stay Inside has been completely in control of this release. It’s also the band’s most complete album to date – pushing their creativity and songwriting to new levels resulting in a nine-track 35-minute journey that’s both intimate and universal. It’s one of 2024’s most essential records – one that has a staying power beyond a typical press or release cycle. Below, we discuss some of the background behind the writing and conception of the record, releasing the record on your own, and more. And you can catch Stay Inside on a few tour dates with Arcadia Grey this week.

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Record Store Day Roundup: 2024 Edition

CD, Record Store

Another Record Store Day has come and gone. Did you snag that coveted pressing of that album you had your eye on? Hopefully your experience was as good as mine was, and you were able to grab at least something on your list either in-person or online afterwards. In this article, I’ll be recapping things I noticed about the most popular titles going first, providing feedback on the pressing numbers for this year’s collection, and ways to keep vinyl fans engaged with their local record stores throughout the year.

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Record Store Day Countdown: The 1975 – Live At Gorilla

CD, Record Store

The first week of our Record Store Day countdown series wraps up today with a look into the live set from The 1975 called Live At Gorilla. This performance of the band’s debut LP, played in full from front to back for the first time since 2013, was recorded live in Manchester on February 1, 2023 and remains faithful to the original recording. The “RSD First” double LP is limited to 7,500 copies via Interscope Records and is pressed on white vinyl. The artwork for Live At Gorilla can be found below.

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Record Store Day Countdown: Collective Soul – Dosage

CD, Record Store

The march towards Record Store Day continues today with a look at Collective Soul and their fourth studio album, Dosage. The record is celebrating a 25th anniversary this year, so the timing was perfect to reissue this LP. This “RSD First” release is limited to just 2,000 copies via Craft Recordings, and it is pressed on “translucent lemonade” vinyl. The set features the singles “Heavy,” and one of my all-time favorite ballads in “Run.”

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Record Store Day Countdown: Paramore – ‘Re: This Is Why/Burning Down the House’

CD, Record Store

The countdown to the annual Record Store Day observance continues today by taking a look at Paramore and their three vinyl releases. Paramore will be releasing their remix album, Re: This Is Why on red vinyl, as well as the comprehensive reissue of This Is Why plus Re: This Is Why on red/tan vinyl. This year’s Record Store Day Ambassadors are also releasing a 12″ vinyl single of their cover of a Talking Heads classic “Burning Down the House” with David Byrne contributing a cover of Paramore’s “Hard Times” from After Laughter on the A-side.

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