I’ve lived in Portland, Oregon for most of my life. There was a brief foray during the college years to do the pop-punk thing and get out of the town I grew up in, but I always end up finding my way back. There’s just something about the city, the people, the way of life, that fits so well with my personality. It’s home. With the popularity of Portlandia I’ve gotten more questions about the city than any other time in my life. Everyone wants to know how accurate the show is (some of it is pretty damn dead on), and quite a few others ask about things to do if they ever visit. I’ve got a few recommendations for if you ever visit the city, but take it as a very incomplete list, there’s always new things showing up and there are plenty of things I don’t cover here. This is also mostly confined to the Portland area and doesn’t expand out to the fantastic hiking, wildlife, and nature that so much of Oregon is known for — I always highly recommend finding a good hiking trail when you visit, it’s beautiful.
The Talk Show: A Squirrel Eating a Duck • Exponent: The Attention Market
Favorite Audio Equipment (Headphones, Speakers, and Record Player)
When it comes to audio equipment my recommendation has always been to do your research, know what you’re looking for, know your budget, and then try and go test things out before making a purchase. People like different sounds in their music and I don’t think there’s a tried and true “best” out there for anyone. Some people prefer a more natural and accurate sound in their headphones, others actively are searching for a heavier bass sound. Only you will know which you prefer and how a specific set of headphones will sit on your ears and feel after a few hours of listening.
This list is what I consider my favorite audio equipment. This is based off of my personal judgment of sound accuracy, comfort, and relative price. I do not have the budget for or buy “audiophile” level audio equipment, but I do try and find what sounds the best to me, for the best price. If you’re looking for an in-depth review of a bunch of headphones in all price ranges, I recommend reading Steve Guttenberg and Marco Arment’s reviews. There are also recommendations at The Wirecutter and various internet forums that are far more in-depth.
Read More “Favorite Audio Equipment (Headphones, Speakers, and Record Player)”Tom DeLonge Leaves (or Doesn’t Leave) Blink-182; We Don’t Know
Tom DeLonge has left Blink-182 “indefinitely.”
UPDATEMatt Skiba of the Alkaline Trio will join Blink-182 in replacement of Tom DeLonge at the 8th annual Musink Music and Tattoo Festival. “We were all set to play this festival and record a new album and Tom kept putting it off without reason. A week before we were scheduled to go in to the studio we got an email from his manager explaining that he didn’t want to participate in any Blink-182 projects indefinitely, but would rather work on his other non-musical endeavors.” Travis Barker and Mark Hoppus plan to honor all Blink-182 commitments including the Musink Festival and are excited to have singer/guitarist Matt Skiba join them for this project. “No hard feelings, but the show must go on for our fans.” Additionally, Skiba will continue to make new music and tour with the Alkaline Trio.
Tom Delonge has made the following post on Facebook:
UPDATETo all the fans, I never quit the band. I actually was on a phone call about a blink 182 event for New York City at the time all these weird press releases started coming in… Apparently those releases were ‘sanctioned’ from the band. Are we dysfunctional- yes. But, Christ….. #Awkward #BabyBackRibs
We have received the following statement from Tom DeLonge’s publicist.
Read More “Tom DeLonge Leaves (or Doesn’t Leave) Blink-182; We Don’t Know”Contrary to reports, Tom DeLonge has not left Blink 182. “I never quit the band,” he says. “Actually, I was on the phone discussing a possible Blink-182 event in New York City when I heard the ‘news.’ The ONLY truth here is that I have commitments that limit my availability this year. I love Blink-182 and I’m not leaving.”
Recommended Blog Reading
motifsinthecity asked:
You’ve mentioned several websites that have become staples in my morning Feedly reading. I was wondering if you had plans for a “Recommendation Post” like your technology one—a post that culls together a list of your essential morning reading for news on tech, art, pop-culture, etc. Personally, I’d find something like that invaluable.
Thanks for the compliment! Here’s a rundown of websites and authors I read every day. I use ReadKit as my RSS reader on the Mac and iOS.
I’ll try and keep this updated when new things get added into my daily routine.
Read More “Recommended Blog Reading”PVRIS Signs With Rise/Velocity Records
PVRIS has signed to Rise/Velocity Records.
Read More “PVRIS Signs With Rise/Velocity Records”Longineu “LP” Parsons III Has Parted Ways With Yellowcard
Long-time drummer Longineu “LP” Parsons III has parted ways with Yellowcard. Said the band in a joint statement, “Longineu has decided to pursue other musical interests. We wish him the best of luck in his future endeavors.” A replacement has not been announced but the band has begun work on their next album.
Read More “Longineu “LP” Parsons III Has Parted Ways With Yellowcard”Steve Klein Arraigned in San Luis Obispo Court
Idobi has learned and reported that Steve Klein (ex-New Found Glory) was “arraigned (on December 12, 2013) in a San Luis Obispo court on multiple charges, including lewd conduct with a minor under the age of 14” and has pleaded not guilty.
UPDATE • March 12, 2014We have received the following statement from Steve Klein’s (ex-New Found Glory) attorney.
UPDATE • Mar 12, 2014It is a difficult challenge to defend oneself in the media when there is a pending criminal case. This is because people are quick to assume that if a person is charged with a crime, they are also guilty as charged. And it is especially difficult because criminal defense attorneys insist that their clients not talk about the case to ensure that their constitutional rights are protected. Furthermore, attorneys are limited by law as to what can and cannot be said about a case to the public.
In the matter of Steve Klein, since his case has now been brought into issue by the media, I am permitted to make a few statements. To that effect, I offer you the following indisputable facts about the accusations:
1. Steve Klein is not accused of having any lewd actual physical contact with any minor.
2. ALL charges against Steve are derived solely from online consensual video chats between Steve and some female strangers he met on an adult website. Steve believed the females were over the age of 18.
3. The females alleged to be “minors” in this case are not known females. This means that no one, not the prosecution, not the police, and not the defense, actually know who the females are and no one knows their true age.
4. The possession of child pornography charge is based solely on Steve allegedly “possessing” the videos of chats with the female strangers from the adult website.
This is about all I am permitted to disclose at this time. But I can tell you, from my many years of experience in this specialty area of criminal defense, I wholeheartedly believe that Steve Klein is innocent of all of these charges.
Steve is devastated by these accusations. He has lost his band, his livelihood, and his ex-wife continues to push for full custody of his children using this case as her pawn while he literally fights for his life. Despite this heavy hand, Steve remains strong and hopeful that he will be vindicated.
New Found Glory have posted the following update:
Upon our return from Warped Tour Australia, Steve made us aware of possible allegations that might be made against him. At that point, not knowing all the details, we made the decision to part ways in order for him to deal with these personal issues. Us 4 members of New Found Glory have given our entire lives to this band and will continue to do so. We’ve been able to play all over the world for the most amazing fans. We can’t wait to get in the studio to make a new album and we can’t wait to get back on the road! Just coming off the Parahoy cruise and a surprise show in our hometown we are more inspired than ever! Thank you so much to everyone around the globe for always sticking by us. The future is bright.
Steve Klein Has Been Kicked Out Of New Found Glory
Holy shit. Steven Klein has been kicked out of New Found Glory.
Read moreIt is with heavy hearts that we must let you know that Steve Klein is no longer a part of New Found Glory. We’ve had our differences with Steve over the years that have led us to this decision. We love Steve however personal differences have guided this decision and we no longer feel we can work with him. Rest assured that New Found Glory will still go on! After the Parahoy Cruise we are planning to write a new record and start this new chapter for our band. We have not decided on who will fill Steve’s position however we will let you know our plans as soon as we figure that out. We love you, our fans, so much and appreciate your dedication and loyalty to our band. We hope you stick by us during this difficult time.
We love you,
Chad, Jordan, Cyrus, and Ian
Judge Rules a Day to Remember Can Self Release ‘Common Courtesy’
PropertyOfZack has just received word from trusted sources that A Day To Remember have officially won its near two-year long court case against Victory Records. This story is developing and will be updated with more details as we learn more information on the matter.
UPDATEAP.net writer, Thomas Nassiff, has reached out and recieved a statement from Victory Record’s lawyer, Robert S. Meloni.
UPDATE #2While Victory is disappointed with the ruling, and disagrees with the court’s conclusions, it comes as no surprise. Courts rarely grant negative injunctions of this nature, but the circumstances of this case presented a unique opportunity for such a ruling. Having said that, in denying Victory’s motion, the court’s reasoning actually contained silver linings that significantly favored Victory. First, the court held that it supports Victory’s argument about the construction of the recording contract – that ADTR is still obligated to deliver two more albums to Victory — “at last equally, if not more so, than that offered by ADTR.” That is the core issue in this case and the only one that really matters in the end, so Victory is heartened that the court agreed with Victory’s position on that core issue. Also, the sole basis for the court’s denial of the injunction was that Victory would not suffer “irreparable harm” that could not be compensated by money damages if the album were to be self released, in that it has ample evidence to prove its damages against the band (in the form of lost profits if ADTR does proceed to self release Common Courtesy). That is, even if the band self releases it, Victory is likely to be awarded any profits the band makes on that album, plus additional lost profits suffered by Victory based on the fact that Victory would undeniably do a far better job at marketing the album had Victory released it, which is what Victory is known for and is the reason why ADTR signed with Victory in the first place. In sum, it is a “successful” defeat in a way, and one which Victory welcomed because of the manner in which the Court rendered its opinion.
This case will proceed to trial, and Victory is looking forward to the opportunity to vindicate the baseless claims filed by ADTR.
Robert S. Meloni
UPDATE #3I’m reading some blogs that ADTR “won” their two year battle. That is not all all what happened today. This ruling is strictly limited to Victory’s request for a negative injunction. In other words, it involves a small battle in a dispute that will only be resolved after a trial next year. My point was the court’s reasoning today was favorable for Victory in that it forecasts what I believe will be a victory for Victory in the end (excuse the unintended pun).
Robert S. Meloni
I just heard from the a representative of the band: The new album will only be available through the band’s website, digitally. It will not be on Amazon or iTunes or any other digital retailer (assuming that means no Spotify either). It will not be available at shows or in any physical form. So, if you want Common Courtesy, grab it here.
Read More “Judge Rules a Day to Remember Can Self Release ‘Common Courtesy’”Taking Back Sunday Sign to Hopeless Records
Hopeless Records has signed Taking Back Sunday. The band will release a new album in Spring 2014. Read the press release in the replies.
Read More “Taking Back Sunday Sign to Hopeless Records”New Fall Out Boy Album + New Song
Fall Out Boy will release Save Rock and Roll on May 7th. You can hear the band’s new song “My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark (Light Em Up)” in the replies, where you can also find dates for their upcoming tour. You can pre-order the album here.
Read More “New Fall Out Boy Album + New Song”Fun. Track Listing & Album Art
Fun. will release Some Nights on February 21st. The album art can be found in the replies.
Read More “Fun. Track Listing & Album Art”Fun. Album Title and Release Date
Fun.’s new album is called Some Nights and arrives on February 21, 2012. An acoustic performance of “We Are Young” featuring Janelle Monáe can be found here.
Read More “Fun. Album Title and Release Date”Blink 182’s ‘Neighborhoods Track Listing
I can say with good authority, this is the current track listing for the new Blink-182 album, Neighborhoods – complete with the deluxe edition bonus tracks. The album hits stores 9/27.
Read More “Blink 182’s ‘Neighborhoods Track Listing”