Key Word Spam is Ruining the Web

Mia Sato, writing for The Verge:

[Jennifer] Dziura still updates her personal blog — these are words for people.

The shop blog, meanwhile, is the opposite. Packed with SEO keywords and phrases and generated using artificial intelligence tools, the Get Bullish store blog posts act as a funnel for consumers coming from Google Search, looking for things like Mother’s Day gifts, items with swear words, or gnome decor. On one hand, shoppers can peruse a list of products for sale — traffic picks up especially around holidays — but the words on the page, Dziura says, are not being read by people. These blogs are for Google Search.

Nick Heer comments:

The sharp divergence between writing for real people and creating material for Google’s use has become so obvious over the past few years that it has managed to worsen both Google’s own results and the web at large. The small business owners profiled by Sato are in an exhausting fight with automated chum machines generating supposedly “authoritative” articles. When a measure becomes a target — well, you know.

Amen. Pieced together with this article talking about just how badly Reddit (and Twitter) fucked up really puts a point on just how much worse the internet has become:

We are living through the end of the useful internet. The future is informed discussion behind locked doors, in Discords and private fora, with the public-facing web increasingly filled with detritus generated by LLMs, bearing only a stylistic resemblance to useful information. Finding unbiased and independent product reviews, expert tech support, and all manner of helpful advice will now resemble the process by which one now searches for illegal sports streams or pirated journal articles. The decades of real human conversation hosted at places like Reddit will prove useful training material for the mindless bots and deceptive marketers that replace it.

I guess there’s a reason I’m nostalgic for, and still run, a blog that’s about stuff I want to write about. But I’d be lying if I don’t feel like a dying breed. A dinosaur watching the astroid from my bedroom window.

Divided Heaven – “Clean Sheets” (Song Premiere)

Divided Heaven

Today I’m excited to bring everyone the latest single from Divided Heaven, a cover of a Descendents classic, “Clean Sheets.” The single features a collaboration from Matze Rossi, and highlights Divided Heaven’s dedication to their punk roots as well as moving the needle in the artistic development. Lead vocalist, Jeff Berman, shared this about the cover song:

I heard Bill Stevenson say that he wrote ‘Clean Sheets’ in one swoop. It just came to him. About ten years ago, I was working on a riff that sounded too familiar; took me a moment but I soon discovered it was ‘Clean Sheets.’ The lyrics immediately came to me and it just felt right. My favorite Descendents song, ‘Clean Sheets,’ beautifully translates to the acoustic guitar. Add a pinch of tenderness and the incredible, incomparable, Matze Rossi, and this classic punk song resonates in a new beautiful darkness. Much love to Bill for writing it, Stephen for being my favorite guitar player, and to all that give it a listen.

Divided Heaven’s latest LP, Oblivion, is out now via A-F Records here.

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Tacos! – “Kick Rocks” (Song Premiere)


Today is a great day to share the new single from Seattle-based metal/punk trio, Tacos!, called “Kick Rocks.” Band members Lupe Flores, Donovan Stewart, and Hozoji Matheson-Margullis catch lightning in a bottle on this politically-charged song that transcends genre lines. Donovan Stewart shared:

This is by far one of the hardest hitting songs, out of the gate on this record. One of the first songs we co-wrote with the addition of Hozoji in Lupe’s cave of a basement in Ballard. Expressively charged by all the things happening at the time but none more hard to swallow than the prevailing racial injustice happening around the nation. Often shielded and in a false sense of security, our area in the Northwest wasn’t without its own problems. Coupling this with the insane unknowing day to day activities that the pandemic presented us, it was easy to let loose a barrage of lyrics and hammering riffs. Jam your whole fist down your venom spitting throat so you can vomit up all those demons you’ve been forced to swallow.

The single comes from the band’s forthcoming LP, 3, that will be released on August 4th via Nadine Records.

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