Fall Out Boy Tease and Leave Us Hanging

Fall Out Boy sent out a cryptic tweet and Instagram post this morning that alluded to something happening today at 11am CST at a list of addresses. The time has come, and passed, and so far … nothing.

What I’ve heard is that a new music video is done, so maybe that’s what’s planned? Beside that, I’m in the dark like everyone else right now.

Update: During the previews at a few movie theaters a clip is running (you can see it at the seven minute mark) that highlights next Friday’s date.

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Bose Headphones May “Spy” on Listeners

A lawsuit filed this week in Chicago alleges that Bose headphones “spy” on listeners. Michael Tsai has a good list of links about what this means:

I downloaded the app on android and listened to a few songs on Spotify to find out what information was being sent.

While the app is running, the app sends a HTTPS request every time the track information changes or the volume changes. When the track information changes it sends the artist, album and song name. When you change the volume it sends the new volume level.

The Meaning Behind ‘After Laughter’

Hayley Williams of Paramore explained the meaning behind the band’s new album title, After Laughter, to iHeartRadio:

After Laughter is about the look on people’s faces when they’re done laughing. If you watch somebody long enough, there’s always this look that comes across their face when they’re done smiling, and I always find it really fascinating to wonder what it is that brought them back to reality. So, that’s what After Laughter is.