Are Mis-Gendered Band Names ‘Ironic’ or Sexist?

Kayleigh Hughes, writing for The Establishment, on the topic of mis-gendered band names:

Women and nonbinary people are desperate to see ourselves in, well, any kind of pop culture. We’ve created organizations around the world such as Girls Rock Austin, Gender Amplified, and Girls Inc to try to work toward a future where seeing women making music, working in tech, appearing onscreen, or working behind the scenes is normalized and not othered. So, when members of dominant cultural groups take terms used to describe us or our bodies, such as “girls” or “pussy,” this works against that goal by pushing us out of even lingual spaces. Even our words aren’t ours anymore; they’re being snatched back and reappropriated by those who already have so much.

If you’re thinking, “oh god another think piece,” I would beg you to reconsider and give this a full read, it’s well researched and well argued.

The New Scrabble Strategy

The Wall Street Journal

The Wall Street Journal, with an interesting article about how Nigeria is changing the strategy of Scrabble:

Nigeria is beating the West at its own word game, using a strategy that sounds like Scrabble sacrilege. By relentlessly studying short words, this country of 500 languages has risen to dominate English’s top lexical contest.

Last November, for the final of Scrabble’s 32-round World Championship in Australia, Nigeria’s winningest wordsmith, Wellington Jighere, defeated Britain’s Lewis Mackay, in a victory that led morning news broadcasts in his homeland half a world away.

I’m always fascinated by new ways of thinking and strategizing at games that seem to have had the same techniques for years.

DC Comics Debuts New Logo/Identity

DC Comics

We’re not the only ones getting a new logo, DC Comics debuted their new identity this week as well:

“While comics continue to be the heart and soul of DC, the brand has evolved to now stand for powerful storytelling across so many different forms of media. DC is home to the greatest Super Heroes and Super-Villains, and the new logo has the character and strength to stand proudly alongside DC’s iconic symbols,” stated Amit Desai, DC Entertainment Senior Vice President of Marketing and Global Franchise Management.

If you squint, it kinda looks like Spider-Man or Deadpool … not DC characters. But other than that, it’s not bad.

A Change of Pace Announce 10-Year Show

A Change of Pace will be playing a free Prepare the Masses 10-year anniversary show.

To say thank you, we are going to do a FREE show in Phoenix, Arizona on July 30th at The Pressroom with some of our best friends Greeley Estates, It’s Like Love, and DED. If you want to donate to the show to help cover costs, we would greatly appreciate it and there are links on the event page where you can do that. If not, just come party. This show will be nothing but a good time.

Read More “A Change of Pace Announce 10-Year Show”

Reports: Daniel Craig Done With James Bond

James Bond

Rehema Figueiredo, reporting for The Daily Mail that Daniel Craig is done with James Bond:

One LA film source said: ‘Daniel is done — pure and simple — he told top brass at MGM after Spectre. They threw huge amounts of money at him, but it just wasn’t what he wanted.’ He added: ‘He had told people after shooting that this would be his final outing, but the film company still felt he could come around after Spectre if he was offered a money deal.’

Oddsmakers have Tom Hiddleston has the frontrunner to replace Craig.