Dashboard Confessional Talks New Music

Dashboard Confessional

Chris Carrabba talked with Billboard about the upcoming Dashboard Confessional album:

“It’s probably not savvy to say this, but I’ve begun to admit that I like my older records better — and I know why,” he explains. “As time went on, people came along with good and different ideas, and one thing I kept hearing a lot is that lyrics don’t matter — and I think I’m not the right guy to say that to. They might be completely right, but that’s why I write songs. So this (upcoming) record, to me, is very much like the first three and a half records, where it’s just like — I have something to say, not just a nice thing to sing.”

The Taste of Chaos tour may be all wrapped up, but I was fortunate to be able to capture some images from their stop at the famous Red Rocks in Morrison, CO. I have been to quite a few shows here, but this one is at the top of my favorites, based on nostalgia alone.

Seeing the lineup of Dashboard Confessional, Taking Back Sunday, Saosin, and The Early November was surreal to say the least. Some of the first times I photographed many of these bands was in the early 2000’s, before radio or television had taken their careers to new levels. After seeing these bands in venues with only other bands, and maybe a few fans watching, it was amazing to see them on stage in one of most iconic venues in the world. I’m going to split these galleries up by the different bands, and today’s gallery is for Dashboard Confessional. You’ll find the photos below.

Review: Dashboard Confessional – Dusk and Summer

Dashboard Confessional - Dusk and Summer

Dusk and Summer is my favorite Dashboard Confessional album. How’s that for a contrarian statement? For most fans of Dashboard, Dusk tends to occupy the lower rungs of discography rankings—if not the very bottom slot. There are obvious reasons for this lowly reputation, and they happen to correspond with the various groups of Chris Carrabba fans that exist out in the wild. The first group of fans is the “there from the beginning” group. These people were listening when Carrabba first arrived on the scene and released The Swiss Army Romance (2000) and The Places You Have Come to Fear the Most (2001). Fans in this group are incredibly attached to the stripped-down acoustic arrangements and heart-on-the-sleeve angst of those first two records. They cite Swiss Army and Places as foundational albums in the emo and pop-punk movements, label them as classics, and point to Carrabba going full-band (on 2003’s A Mark, A Mission, a Brand, a Scar) as the moment where everything went to hell.

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Dashboard Confessional “Deep” Into Recording

Dashboard Confessional

Chris Carrabba confirms with Miami New Times that Dashboard Confessional are deep into recording their new album.

“Our set list will run the gamut,” Carrabba says. “We’re going to play songs from all the albums.” He promises fans will hear a new track too, a hint of what’s to come as Dashboard Confessional works on its first new batch of songs since 2009’s Alter the Ending. “We’re deep in the recording now, but I want to get a little deeper before we announce when and how we release it.”