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Arcade Fire Reportedly Playing to Smaller Crowds Than Expected

Arcade Fire

The Globe and Mail are reporting that Arcade Fire are having trouble filling arenas on their current tour:

Blame it on the new album or the marketing campaign for it, or on ticket prices and the popularity of rock music in 2017. Whatever the case, Arcade Fire is struggling to fill arenas on its North American tour.

Just 4,263 fans showed up for the Canadian band’s Quebec City show, 4,004 in Tampa, 5,614 in Austin, Tex., and 5,051 in Dallas, Billboard and Pollstar boxscore figures show. All of the venues have a capacity to seat roughly 10,000 to 20,000 people.

The Beatles Announce Christmas Box Set

The Beatles

The Beatles will be releasing a limited edition box set for Christmas. Billboard reports:

[T]hey will be releasing a limited-edition box set of their Christmas holiday messages, originally given only to fan club members on flexi-discs from 1963 to 1969.

The limited edition set will include seven 7-inch colored vinyl singles, one for each of the seven messages. The Christmas records have never been given general release as a set before, though one was made available as part of The Beatles Rock Band video game.

Pre-orders are up on Amazon.

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Various Approaches to Time Travel in Fiction


A new video from Minutephysics goes over the various types of time travel used in movies and books:

This video is an explanation of how time travel functions in different popular movies, books, & shows – not how it works “under the hood”, but how it causally affects the perspective of characters’ timelines (who has free will? can you change things by going back to the past or forwards into the future?). In particular, I explain Ender’s Game, Planet of the Apes, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Primer, Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure, Back to the Future, Groundhog Day, Looper, the video game “Braid”, and Lifeline.

Read More “Various Approaches to Time Travel in Fiction”

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