Review: AFI – Black Sails In The Sunset

AFI - Black Sails In The Sunset

When AFI began their fourth studio album, Black Sails In The Sunset, with the memorable gang vocals of “Through our bleeding, we are one!” they lit the match for one of the most explosive band trajectories ever witnessed in this scene. This would be the first LP with the now-classic lineup of Jade Puget, Adam Carson, Hunter Burgan, and Davey Havok, and featured a dramatic shift away from the punk rock sound they had explored on their earlier work in favor of a darker-tinged aesthetic. Black Sails In The Sunset is one of those gripping albums that grab the listener by the throat from the very first spin and beckons them to join in the fray. While AFI certainly weren’t the only punk band to explore a darker side to the sound, they did seem to do it a bit more flawlessly than the bands that would later emulate their career path.

This album has recently received a fresh vinyl reissue via Craft Recordings, that releases on July 19, 2024, and it includes several additional bonus tracks like “Midnight Sun,” “Who Knew?”, “Weight Of Words” and the previously vinyl-only song of “Lower It” has been added to the tail end of the tracklisting (rather than closing out Side A, as found on previous vinyl versions). AFI have re-captured our collective imaginations on this thrilling, comprehensive reissue that hits just as hard as it did back in the early summer of 1999.

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Shehehe – “Elton John” (Song Premiere)


Today, we’re thrilled to premiere “Elton John,” the brand new single from Georgia-based power-pop/punk hybrid Shehehe and their upcoming album, Namedroppers. Shehehe have mastered the art of delivering infectious, singalong choruses next to boisterous guitar riffs, and “Elton John” is no exception. Together, the band manages to bring the sensibilities of classic acts such as Cheap Trick and Bikini Kill into the present. You can also stream/download the song on Shehehe’s Bandcamp page.

’“Elton John” is the result of driving in your car and hearing that one of your musical heroes has just died, then finding out moments later they are not dead yet, just ill and recovering,” says the band. “Whew!  A declaration that the almighty song is immortal and will eternally empower and inspire.”  Fans of the single, brought to life by Nicole Bechill (bass and vocals), Jason Fusco (drums and vocals), and Noelle Shuck (guitar and vocals), will want to keep an eye out for the band’s brand new album, to be released on August 23rd, 2024. You can also check out the band’s remaining U.S. tour dates on their website.

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