Music Journalism Insider Interview With Jason Tate Logo

There’s an interview with me in the latest issue of the Music Journalism Insider newsletter. You can read the full thing here. There’s a lot of talk about the early days of, what the website has transitioned into, and some of my thoughts on music journalism in general:

At the time, I was starting to think that it didn’t make sense for there to be like 3000 individual band pages and fan pages. There would be a New Found Glory fanpage and an MXPX fanpage and a Blink-182 fanpage. I wanted to write about all of those bands, but I didn’t want to make individual sites for every single of them. So there was a little bit of backlash from people who just wanted to see Blink-182 wallpapers or whatever. But it was the early 2000s, so it didn’t really matter that much to me—I was 18 and I was just goofing around online in my dorm room. I didn’t know that it was ever going to be an actual job.

Phoebe Bridgers Profiled in The New Yorker

Phoebe Bridgers

Amanda Petrusich profiled Phoebe Bridgers for a new New Yorker piece:

But the commercials bought her enough time to write and record “Stranger in the Alps.” “I would have had to work at Starbucks full time to make the record that I made, and then I wouldn’t have had time to make it,” she said. “The fact that I was able to work five days in one year and basically gave myself my own trust fund—my rent was paid, and I could go to the studio like it was my job—gave me the freedom to explore. Which makes me think a lot of dark shit about privilege.”

Liner Notes (May 15th, 2020)

Liner Notes

I’m writing this week’s newsletter on not much sleep, but that doesn’t mean I’m short on opinions. In this week’s issue you’ll find thoughts on music and entertainment I enjoyed this week and a playlist of ten songs I loved. This week’s supporter Q&A post can be found here.

If you’d like this newsletter delivered to your inbox each week (it’s free and available to everyone), you can sign up here.

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