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Interview: Darker Lighter

Darker Lighter

Darker Lighter is the alias of the talented musician, Salar Rajabnik, who has spent countless years on the road perfecting his songwriting craft and musicianship. Along the way, Rajabnik caught the eye of artists like Foo Fighters, Queens Of The Stone Age, and Kim Gordon, who entrusted him as their guitar tech and associate. In this interview, I asked Darker Lighter about his great new single called “Nice To Meet You,” his upcoming self-titled album, and much more.

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Interview: TVOD


Recently I was able to connect with TVOD (short for Television Overdose), to ask the band about their electric-charged new single, “Uniform.” The track comes from the Brooklyn, NY punk band’s debut LP, Party Time, that releases on May 9th. In this interview, I asked the band about the new single and music video, plus I had TVOD describe their live shows. If you’re enjoying the new single, please consider pre-ordering Party Time here.

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