Summer Sponsorship Openings Logo

I’m starting to book up July and August on the sponsorship calendar. So, if you’ve got a cool product, album release, or service to promote to our audience, get in touch and let’s fill these spots up. We’ve been seeing really great results from the banner ads and feed sponsorships, and please reach out if you have any questions at all.

Aziz Ansari: Why Trump Makes Me Scared for My Family

Aziz Ansari, writing for The New York Times:

The vitriolic and hate-filled rhetoric coming from Mr. Trump isn’t so far off from cursing at strangers from a car window. He has said that people in the American Muslim community “know who the bad ones are,” implying that millions of innocent people are somehow complicit in awful attacks. Not only is this wrongheaded; but it also does nothing to address the real problems posed by terrorist attacks. By Mr. Trump’s logic, after the huge financial crisis of 2007-08, the best way to protect the American economy would have been to ban white males.

Sponsor: Thanks to Audible


My thanks to for sponsoring Chorus this week. They are currently offering a free 30-day trial that comes with two free audio books, and if you’ve got any kind of commute, I can’t recommend finding some time to listen to audibooks enough. One of the things I love about Audible is how easy they make the return process — if you order something to check out, start it and don’t like it, they’re really great about letting you return the book without any hassle.

I’ve been currently reading Ready Player One, so if you’re looking for something new to check out, that’s definitely worth giving a look.

30 Minute Guide To Getting More Fans

Jesse Cannon, from Noise Creators/Off the Record, has released a free ebook breaking down his guide to getting into the music business:

After four annual editions of Get More Fans: The DIY Guide To The New Music Business, and being added to a dozen University programs, and tons of praise from the music world, the one complaint I would always get is that it took too long to read. So I decided to make a free version that contains all the information a musician needs to get their music off the ground. The 30 Minute Guide To Getting More Fans is the most concise way to learn how to promote you music and it’s free over at Noise Creators.

Singles Club: Touché Amoré – “Palm Dreams”

Touche Amore

I’m lucky. I’ve never lost anyone close to me during my adult life. My grandfather died when I was very young and my six-year-old brain really didn’t understand what was going on. I’ve never gone through what Jeremy Bolm has. The Touché Amoré frontman lost his mother to cancer in the fall of 2014 and much, if not all of his band’s upcoming new album, Stage Four, revolves around processing her death and remembering their life together. The album’s first single, “Palm Dreams,” is a soaring piece of post-hardcore that showcases the continual growth of the band’s songwriting while Bolm attempts to learn even more about his mother even after her passing. In the song premiere’s accompanying article, Bolm tells NPR that “’Palm Dreams’ was written around the realization that I never had a full understanding why my mother moved from Nebraska to California in the ‘70s.”

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